Carolina! B. Fraser Releases Debut Album

After two long years, Charleston’s B. Fraser – semi-related to the renowned actor Brendan Fraser – has finally released their debut album – Carolina.

“It's gone through several different iterations, including moments where we scrapped the whole thing and went back to writing. Having the ability to record at home and being in lockdown for the better portion of 2020 let us really find the sound we wanted and allowed us to put more thought into our writing both musically and lyrically,” said guitarist Will Dukes. “We experimented and expanded our sound with influences outside of emo from heavier music and shoegaze to country. We were really conscious about our sound and the message we wanted to send.”

Overall the album is more serious than the band’s previous releases as they wanted to put more of themselves into it this time, but it still has their goofy sense of humor. Some might even call this new culmination of sound a "cosmic gumbo".

In all seriousness, they put a side of ourselves that we haven't shown in our past music into this album. As they all either just graduated college or were in their last semester while going through lockdown, they had a lot to talk about, think about and they tried to convey that in the music as best as they could.

Stream the album and order a cassette here!


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